Etude des chiroptères et de leurs habitats grâce à un détecteur d’ultrasons


A naturalist’s method for the study of bats and their habitats using an ultrasound detector

  Français: voir onglets en haut de page   English : see language menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page (translation: Anya Cockle-Betian)

This website was set up by Philippe Grimonprez.
Professor of ecology, botanist, graphic designer,
generous scholar. Thanks also to Yann Bouilhac for
managing the server until 2011 and to Roland
Jamault from 2020 : His multiple skills are matched
only by his great generosity. Many of us, students
and friends, owe a great deal to him.

Anya Cockle Betian

Anya Cockle-Betian is a scientist specialized on European and tropical bats, who carried out
her thesis research work in French Guiana. Fluently bilingual and a professional translator,
she was given the task to translate the book on acoustic ecology in English, and brought
some improvements to the original text.

Thanks to Yann Bouilhac for his participation on the website
until 2019, and to Roland Jamault after 2020.